Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 1 London

Today has sort of been a bit uneventful....I decided to purchase a hop on hop off bus ticket, as I have done in Rome, Florence and Paris...I think it was probably a bit of a waste of money as I have really found London a very easy place to get around...anyway, I went and checked out Harrods...a shop with serious eye candy...also stopped and looked at other landmarks along the way...Am currently in an internet cafe as I could not get my Ipad to work in a wi fi cafe will be a quick post as I decided at the last minute to buy a theatre ticket to see Billy just killing some time before it commences. Tomorrow I will try and see Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace....already I am regretting not spending more time here....oh well, I guess I will just have to plan another trip...only 5 years til my long service leave!!!!

Well, I will make this very quick...hope to fill you in again tomorrow...Lisa

1 comment:

  1. Did you lve Billy Elliott? I think it was one of the best shows I have seen!!!!
